Gamified Healthy Eating App

UX/UI . App Design . Design Challenge .

Project Overview

Designing a gamified healthy eating mobile app which is playful and helps people to recommend healthy eating lifestyle Promoting Healthy Eating Habits for Good Health and Proper Well-Being targeting the users who are forced to deal with fast food on daily basis because of their busy schedule.

My Role

Solo UX / UI Designer

Project Duration

13th-28th February


Figma, Google Docs, Google Forms, PhotoShop


Mobile Application

Skills Applied

User Research, User Persona, Competitive Analysis, Paper Wireframing, Hi-Fi Mockup

The Problem

Lack of managing and maintaining healthy eating habit, struggling to maintain consistent healthy eating due to lack of managing time and proper balanced nutrition's intake. Often finding challenging to stay committed to dietary goals and make informed fast food choices.

The Objective

Gamified Healthy Eating App aims to address the problem by leveraging gamification strategies to create a motivating and engaging environment to recommend healthy eating lifestyle that promotes healthier eating habits.

Design Thinking Process

The process widely used for design thinking which is non-linear and helped me structure my solution in a creative way.

Initial Research

The research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data. A sample of individuals from different demographics was surveyed to gather information on their eating habits, time management practices, nutritional knowledge, commitment to dietary goals, and experiences with fast food choices. Additionally, in-depth interviews were conducted with a subset of participants to gain deeper insights into their struggles and perceptions.

  • Can you describe your typical eating habits and daily routine when it comes to meals?

  • What are some of the challenges you face in maintaining consistent healthy eating habits?

  • How do time constraints and busy schedules impact your ability to plan and prepare nutritious meals?

  • Are there specific situations or events that make it particularly difficult for you to stick to a healthy diet? If so, can you describe them?

  • How would you rate your level of nutritional knowledge? Do you feel confident in understanding what constitutes a balanced diet?

  • Have you set any dietary goals for yourself in the past? If yes, what were they, and how successful were you in achieving them?

  • In your opinion, what could be done to make healthier food choices more accessible and appealing, especially when faced with time constraints?

  • Do you feel that there is enough information available to help you make healthier food choices when eating out or ordering food?

  • How do you currently manage your meal planning and preparation, and do you think there are areas where you could use more assistance?

  • Have you ever tried any apps, tools, or programs that help with nutrition tracking or meal planning? If yes, what was your experience with them?


This research sheds light on the difficulties faced by individuals in managing and maintaining healthy eating habits. By identifying the challenges related to time management, balanced nutrition intake, commitment to dietary goals, and fast food choices, the study provides valuable insights for designing effective interventions and support systems to promote healthier eating behaviors. Addressing these challenges can contribute to improved overall health and well-being among the population.

Pain Points


Time Management

The lack of time emerged as a significant obstacle to maintain healthy eating habits, making it difficult to plan and prepare nutritious meals consistently.


Nutrition Knowledge

Lacked adequate knowledge about balanced nutrition, resulting in poor food choices.



Often faced challenges in staying committed to their dietary goals


Fast Food Choices

Finding it challenging to make informed decisions when consuming fast food.

Competitive analysis

Next, I went on to find whether others are delivering the solutions to the problem and if yes, what are the possible gaps that can be filled in terms of both functionality and features.

Key insights

Mapping with 3B model i.e. Business Value, Benefits, and Budget I compared with what are the value they offer within the price range and what are their benefits. I had some ideas with the features to represent in the website page with contents and context with visual assets.

The outcome of my research

First, I created the user personas.

Next, I started to create the Information Architecture for the website with the collected requirements.


Lets do the rough!

I started with quick paper wireframe then converted to Digital Lo-Fi wireframe so that I align with the context and contents. After multiple times, I came up with the following outlook of the app so that it would be an early idea for how would it look on devices.

Now lets define the final design’s visual aspects

I created moodboards, and defined the visual style which includes logo, color pallet, and typography that will be used in the design.


Finally, moving to the actual User Interface

key takeaways and learnings

  • I learned how to make app more productive by applying gamification elements and what is gamification element.

  • While creating the project, I learned about user research, empathy mapping, user needs and wants.

  • If I had more time, I would have add on more challenges and create an interesting reward system from which the user can have any fruitful advantages.

  • Also, I would like to app in the market for how advantageous it could be to the real user in their daily activity.

If you would like to talk about a project and work together, drop me your message!
I am happy to connect with you.

Send me your message at

[email protected]